• Fish
Friday, 17 September 2010 08:42

Black Beauties

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Been out for blackberries after reading that there are about 140 different types out there. The writer lived in London, recommended only picking above waist height (!) and suggested you buy sweeter varieties from a supermarket as the wild ones have to be cooked to be sweet - lol...

Monday, 20 September 2010 08:39

By the side of the road

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We should really have a competition for the best produce displayed at the end of a garden.

Friday, 01 October 2010 08:35

The end of the produceā€¦

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Here is my sad looking vegetable patch now that we are heading into the colder weather. A few swede and some celeriac for later, one row of carrots for the odd stew and some chard left. Everything else has gone - but at least I haven't had to buy any vegetables for the whole summer. 

Monday, 11 October 2010 08:31

Pumpkin Time

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Thursday, 14 October 2010 08:29

Proper Farmers

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Ruth's grape harvest on the way to be made into juice at the pressers - who doesn't like his picture being taken so we can't post it on here.

Sunday, 05 December 2010 07:34

Rabbit Hunting - part one

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Well, not so much hunting as waiting for them to come for the carrots.

Thursday, 09 December 2010 06:51

Rabbit Hunting - part two

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That is the problem (and advantage) with killing your own animals. You have to face the fact that it was once alive and it makes you eat less meat, which is a good thing. It wasn't easy - a huge arguement with my son, frozen hands and now the last thing we want to eat is rabbit. So into the freezer until the memory has faded, but I am still hoping to run over a deer.

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